Discover the World of Long COVID Research

Welcome, fellow apocalypse dweller, to the Massively Disabled lair, where we explore the vast realms of long COVID research by centring the knowledge of disabled people. Embark on a thrilling journey with us as we unravel the mysteries and complexities of this ever-evolving field.

hybrid launch event

This event is hybrid and a Zoom link will be provided upon registration. If you are attending in person, please wear a face mask if you can. We want this event to be as safe as possible for all attendees, including disabled and chronically ill people who are at greater risk from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

There is a 20-person max for in person attendance. Please specify if you are coming in person upon registration.

This event is made possible with the support of the Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society at the University of Edinburgh.

November 9

Zoom and the Scottish Storytelling Centre
43-45 High St, Edinburgh EH1 1SR

18:30-20:00 GMT

What is a research podcast? Why is a philosopher podcasting about long COVID? What happens when you put lots of academic podcasters in a room together?

Join us, in person or online, to celebrate the launch of a new project in scholarly podcasting! Subscribe now to Massively Disabled: a long COVID research podcast and you'll be notified when new episodes come out. On the 9th of November, fellow scholarly podcasters Eva Sprecher (Who Cares About Research? and Bookshelf Remix), Jackie Baxter (Long COVID Podcast), Dieter Declercq and Ian Sabroe (Conversations about Arts, Humanities and Health), and Haley Brennan (New Voices: Extending New Narratives in the History of Philosophy) will join Élaina Gauthier-Mamaril to discuss all things Massively Disabled and podcasting as scholarship.

Let’S get social

How to cite a podcast

How to cite a podcast

Reference: Author/Presenter Last name, Initial(s). (Year site published/updated) Title of podcast. [Podcast]. Day Month Year of podcast posted. Available at: URL (Accessed Day Month Year)

Example: Gauthier-Mamaril, É. (2023)Welcome to base camp. [Massively Disabled]. 18 October 2023. Available at: (Accessed 18 October 2023)